Innovative Inspections in the Paper Industry: How Constellation Clearsight Can Help Improve Efficiency and Quality

Robert Marino

Robert Marino

Robert Marino is a seasoned energy industry professional with over 22 years of experience in the power generation industry. As a Business Development Manager for the Generation segment at Constellation Clearsight, Robert is responsible for providing innovative solutions to power generation facilities that utilize cutting-edge technologies for efficient and reliable operations.

4-minute read

In this article:

  • Learn about innovative inspection techniques involving drones, infrared thermography, ultrasonic testing, and more.
  • Discover the benefits of these techniques such as enhancing safety, reducing maintenance costs, and improving productivity.
  • Explore how Constellation Clearsight leverages inspection data to optimize paper mill inspection processes.

In today’s competitive business environment, it’s crucial for paper mills to continuously improve their production processes to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and provide high-quality output. One way to achieve these goals is through innovative inspections, which can help identify issues and opportunities for improvement in real-time.

Advanced Paper Mill Inspection Techniques and Best Practices

Here’s a closer look at the technological capabilities and toolkit that drives Constellation Clearsight’s efficient inspections in paper mills:

  • Visual Inspections: Using a drone to collect images of critical assets provides better data while keeping people out of harm’s way. Drones provide easy access to hard-to-reach places while reducing cost and increasing safety and plant reliability.
  • Infrared Thermography: Infrared thermography is a non-destructive testing technique that uses infrared imaging to detect temperature differences on surfaces. This technique is particularly useful in paper mills because it can detect hotspots or cold spots that can indicate potential problems. By using infrared thermography, paper production mills can identify issues before they cause equipment failure or unscheduled downtime, reducing maintenance costs and improving productivity.
  • Ultrasonic Testing: Ultrasonic testing (UT), when integrated with drone technology, has revolutionized the inspection process for structures at paper mills. This non-destructive testing method employs high-frequency sound waves to detect and evaluate flaws, corrosion, or irregularities within the critical components of a mill’s infrastructure. UT drones can safely and efficiently access hard-to-reach or hazardous areas without the need for scaffolding or other time-consuming setups. With the UT drone’s precise navigation capabilities and real-time data collection, mill operators can swiftly identify potential issues, minimizing downtime and ensuring the longevity and reliability of the facility.
  • 3D Modeling: Drone technology in conjunction with advanced software creates a 3D model of a mill that documents the structures, above ground utilities, and equipment that are present.  The model has a variety of uses including site planning, training, and maintenance tracking. It simplifies complex environments and allows measurements in hard-to-reach areas without putting someone in unsafe conditions.

Related: Upgrade ROV Inspections for Power Plants with Submersible & Crawler Capabilities

Large paper paper and pulp mill.
Through innovative inspections, paper mills can enhance production processes, reduce costs, increase efficiency, and ensure high-quality output in today’s competitive business environment.

Constellation Clearsight utilizes an extensive array of cutting-edge technologies to optimize energy inspections.

How We Fit In

Constellation Clearsight can play a significant role in innovative inspections at a paper mill. As a provider of advanced analytics solutions, Clearsight can help paper mills leverage the data generated by various inspection techniques to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies in their operations.

Related: 6 Key Insights to Help Utilities Evaluate Companies Using Drones to Inspect Electrical Assets

Furthermore, Clearsight can integrate data from multiple sources, such as production data, quality data, and maintenance data, to provide a holistic view of the paper mill’s operations. This integrated approach can help paper mills identify the root cause of issues and take a proactive approach to maintenance and optimization.

Bottom Line

As the paper industry becomes more competitive, the adoption of innovative inspections will become essential for staying ahead of the curve and delivering value to customers.  Digital inspections empower paper mills to improve their production processes, reduce costs, and ensure high-quality output. 

“By using techniques such as infrared thermography and ultrasonic testing, paper mills can detect issues early, take corrective actions, and continuously improve their operations.” -Austin Martin, Generation Market Segment Manager 

Constellation Clearsight can complement and enhance innovative inspections at a paper mill by providing advanced analytics that enable real-time insights that optimize operations. By working with Clearsight, paper mills can leverage the full potential of their inspection data and continuously improve their processes to stay ahead of the competition

Watch our video to see for yourself how our NDE drones are able to streamline inspections and save industrial plants from shutting down crucial operations and still maintain infrastructure:

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