Keys to Accurate Inspection Data Management Systems

Marissa Bonanno

Marissa Bonanno

Innovation Lead, Constellation Clearsight

Marissa Bonanno is a highly accomplished energy professional with over 8 years of experience in the field. As an Innovation Lead for Constellation Clearsight, Marissa is responsible for driving innovation initiatives for utilities.

In this article:

  • Uncover the challenges faced by electric cooperatives in traditional infrastructure inspections.
  • Dive into Constellation Clearsight’s transformative approach to data management.
  • Learn how Clearsight supports predictive and proactive maintenance techniques.

Electric utilities and cooperatives stand as the bedrock of America’s energy grid, actively powering our lives. To guarantee the unwavering reliability of this essential infrastructure, a robust inspection process is imperative—one that delivers valuable and actionable data.

Today, we’ll discuss the data from traditional infrastructure inspections and how here at Constellation Clearsight, an innovative digital inspection solutions provider, we are reshaping that data and how it is collected.

Data Collection and Utilization Challenges

Traditional infrastructure inspections for electric cooperatives have long been associated with a myriad of challenges, hindering the efficiency and accuracy of data collection. There are tangible issues faced by utilities and cooperatives that require expertise to overcome.

Manual Labor Intensity and Safety Concerns:

  • Inspection crews equipped with basic tools navigate treacherous terrains and challenging weather conditions.
  • Manual, labor-intensive processes slow down inspection timelines and pose safety concerns  to workers.
  • Inaccessibility to certain areas leads to incomplete inspections and a lack of comprehensive data.

Data Fragmentation and Lack of Detail:

  • Manually collected data lacks granularity and detail.
  • Inspection teams, covering vast distances with rudimentary tools, struggle to identify subtle issues.
  • The limited detail hampers strategic planning and decision-making for utilities and electric cooperatives.

Reactive Data Utilization and Unplanned Downtime:

  • Traditional inspection models rely on reactive data utilization.
  • Issues are sometimes identified after causing disruptions, leading to emergency repairs and unexpected downtime.
  • Critical infrastructure problems are often detected only after impacting service reliability, resulting in delays and higher costs.

From safety concerns and incomplete data to reactive problem-solving, there is a clear need for a shift in inspection processes—a shift that Constellation Clearsight addresses through its innovative digital inspection solutions.

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Harnessing the Power of Digital Inspections with Constellation Clearsight

Clearsight is transforming the traditional approach to infrastructure inspections and offering a clear path forward for data-driven electric cooperatives. Clearsight combines the power of advanced artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), industry subject matter experts, and state-of-the-art advanced inspection technology to deliver an innovative solution to infrastructure inspections. 

The result? 

A digital inspection solution that is leagues ahead of traditional methods in terms of accuracy, efficiency, and comprehensiveness.

The magic lies in the details. Using drones equipped with high-resolution cameras, for example, Clearsight captures detailed data on electric utility infrastructure, even from hard-to-reach areas or those that pose safety concerns.

This innovative approach leaves no stone left unturned, resulting in exceptionally accurate and comprehensive data sets.

Illustration of a factory concept with strategically placed data points, symbolizing the foundation of an accurate data management system.
Constellation Clearsight leads the way with a digital inspection solution surpassing traditional methods in accuracy, efficiency, and comprehensiveness. Employing drones equipped with high-resolution cameras, Clearsight maximizes the relevance of data for utilities and electric cooperatives.

Clearsight’s subject matter experts use patent-pending software, along with AI and ML technologies, to turn this data into actionable insights. Through analyzing patterns and anomalies in the data, potential infrastructure issues can be flagged early, aiding in preventative measures instead of merely reacting to problems after they occur.

Imagine being able to view historical inspection data and see degradation over time, helping you to anticipate equipment failures before they happen or predict where your next infrastructure upgrade should be targeted. 

Those are the types of insights that Clearsight brings to the table. By harnessing the power of digital inspections with Clearsight, electric cooperatives can unlock a treasure trove of data that aids in informed decision-making, proactive maintenance, and ultimately, a more resilient and reliable power supply for their customers.

Bottom Line

The importance of accurate and detailed data cannot be overstated. It is what guides strategic planning, infrastructure maintenance, and operational efficiency. Electric cooperatives can utilize this data to predict and plan for infrastructure upgrades, minimize outages, and provide a consistent power supply to their customers.

By allowing predictive maintenance and risk assessment, data becomes an essential tool in limiting disruptions and aiding in smooth operations. Detailed data also supports long-term planning, helping cooperatives prepare for future power demands and supports continuous improvements to infrastructure.

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