2023 Wildfire Season: The Critical Role of Transmission and Distribution Inspections

Bob McNamara

Bob McNamara

COO and Co-Founder, Constellation Clearsight

Robert has a wealth of expertise in emerging technologies, operational excellence, and business strategy. He has a proven track record of building high-performing teams and implementing effective strategies that have helped organizations achieve their business goals.

4-minute read

In this article:

  • Understand the link between electrical infrastructure and wildfires.
  • Discover what Constellation Clearsight inspections include from asset inspection to vegetation management.
  • Learn about the advantages Clearsight inspections can provide for wildfire preparedness.

As we approach the peak months of the 2023 wildfire season, the importance of proactive preparation for electric cooperatives across the United States has never been more critical. In an era of droughts and increasingly devastating wildfires, protecting our communities and ensuring the stability of America’s power grid requires a dedicated focus on pre-emptive action and leveraging advanced technologies.

Transmission and Distribution Inspections (T&D) play a central role in this proactive approach, safeguarding our infrastructure and contributing to the resilience of our power networks.

The Link between Electrical Infrastructure and Wildfires

While wildfires can be caused by various factors such as weather, wear and tear, or inadequate maintenance of power lines, the role of electrical infrastructure in wildfire ignition cannot be ignored. Faulty power lines, vegetation problems, malfunctioning equipment, and downed poles are among the key infrastructure-related causes that can spark a wildfire. A thorough inspection of electrical infrastructure can be a critical preventive measure in wildfire management.

Power pylon overload or electric short circuit at transformer on poles and fire or flame with smoke on blue sky.
Faulty power lines, issues with vegetation, equipment malfunctions, and fallen poles are among the primary infrastructure-related factors that can initiate a wildfire.

The Power of T&D Inspections with Constellation Clearsight

At Clearsight, we provide comprehensive electric inspection services, leveraging the latest technology to enhance the safety and reliability of our clients’ electric infrastructure. Our inspection procedures are designed to identify potential hazards and prevent possible wildfires by pinpointing areas of risk and recommending the right solutions.

Our inspection procedures include:

  • Asset Inspection: A thorough examination of physical infrastructure such as power lines, transformers, and poles to help identify potential faults that could lead to fires. Our advanced digital inspections include state-of-the-art drones that discover hard-to-reach issues with high-resolution cameras.
  • Vegetation Management: Evaluation of vegetation proximity to power lines to prevent sparks that could cause wildfires. Our vegetation experts, coupled with our sophisticated digital solutions, identify high-risk areas needing immediate attention.
  • Digital Platform: Our industry experts, assisted by Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), analyze data from all inspections and prioritize each finding on our easy-to-use digital platform. This, in turn, gives you immediate insights to take action on areas of concern.

The Advantage of Clearsight in Wildfire Preparedness

Choosing Clearsight for your T&D inspections provides an important tool for wildfire season. Here’s why:

  • Advanced Digital Technology: We employ state-of-the-art technology such as drones, infrared thermography, and AI-powered analytics to deliver accurate, fast, and efficient inspections.
  • Expertise: With our deep knowledge of electric infrastructure inspections, we offer expertise in identifying risks and proposing effective mitigation strategies.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Our predictive analytics help allow you to make informed decisions based on data, empowering you to anticipate and mitigate potential risks before they become problematic.
The interface of Constellation Clearsight’s customer portal showing prioritization data and drone images.
Leveraging data-driven decision making, our predictive analytics help enable you to proactively anticipate and address potential risks, empowering you with informed choices to mitigate them effectively.

As the 2023 wildfire season continues, the value of a proactive, comprehensive, and technologically advanced approach to T&D inspections cannot be overstated. With Clearsight in your corner, your electric cooperative is better prepared to face the wildfire season head-on, minimizing risk to infrastructure, protecting your community, and contributing to the overall resilience of our nation’s power grid. Stay ahead, stay safe, and let’s prepare for the season together.

Related: The Hazard Tree Evaluation Process: Ensuring Safe Vegetation Management for Your Electric Infrastructure

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