Preparing for Summer: The Effects of Summer Weather on Utilities

Marissa Bonanno

Marissa Bonanno

Innovation Lead, Constellation Clearsight

Marissa Bonanno is a highly accomplished energy professional with over 8 years of experience in the field. As an Innovation Lead for Constellation Clearsight, Marissa is responsible for driving innovation initiatives for utilities.

In this article:

  • Explore innovative solutions to improve grid resilience in the face of increased summer energy demands and extreme weather conditions.
  • Discover how drone technology and AI-assisted data analysis can revolutionize infrastructure inspections and maintenance.
  • Learn about strategies to fortify utilities against the unpredictable forces of nature, such as strategic tree trimming and wildfire mitigation.

Summer is more than just a season; it’s a test of resilience for U.S. utilities and electric cooperatives. As an energy professional, the task at hand isn’t just about keeping the lights on; it’s about outsmarting the heat and its ripple effects on our power grids. This blog is your mini-playbook for navigating the summer maze with strategies that help drive towards uninterrupted power delivery.

The Summer Challenge: More than Just a Rise in Temperature

Summer isn’t just about the scorching sun; it’s also about increased energy demand, weather extremities, and the relentless pursuit of reliability. Let’s decode the summer-specific hurdles that electric cooperatives and utilities face and explore how we can turn these challenges into opportunities for reliability and resilience.

Increased Energy Demand

During the summer months, utilities experience a significant surge in energy demand. As temperatures climb, so does the reliance on air conditioners, not just in residential homes but across commercial and industrial sectors as well. This heightened use can lead to peak demand periods, sometimes resulting in rolling blackouts or brownouts when the supply struggles to match the demand.

Summer Weather Extremities

Moreover, weather extremities such as thunderstorms and hurricanes bring about disruptions that can challenge even the most robust systems. These forces of nature not only cause immediate outages but can also damage infrastructure, leading to prolonged power disruptions. Wildfires, often a result of prolonged extreme heat and dryness, pose a severe threat to power lines, while tornadoes can demolish anything in their path, including critical grid components. Utilities must therefore be proactive in enhancing grid resilience to withstand such extreme conditions and ensure uninterrupted power supply to customers.

Results from Aerial Inspection Drone Inspecting Power Lines in Summer to Uncover Utility Pole Defects

Strategic Summer Success: A Game Plan

Innovative Inspections: The Drone Advantage

Embrace the future of energy infrastructure inspections with Clearsight’s drone-led, aerial inspections. These eye-in-the-sky marvels are not just about identifying vulnerabilities; they’re about foresight. Comprehensive aerial inspections done with state-of-the-art digital tools can mean catching issues you’d otherwise miss before they escalate, helping you prevent summer from taking a toll on your infrastructure.

Smart Decisions with Smart Data

With Clearsight’s digital solutions, you can transform data into decisions. AI-assisted analysis prioritizes issues, streamlining your maintenance focus. This isn’t just data processing; it’s crafting a prioritized strategy tailored for summer endurance.

Fortifying Against the Fury of Nature

Nobody can prevent hurricanes, tornadoes, and torrential summer storms. But preparedness can improve resilience and help improve reliability – before and after the storm. Clearsight’s tools don’t just highlight weak spots; they help guide your preparedness strategy. From strategic tree trimming to reinforcing vulnerable points to wildfire mitigation, it’s about being one step ahead of nature’s unpredictability.

The Bottom Line

Summer is here, and with it comes the challenge of keeping our grid strong and stable with smart and innovative solutions. Clearsight is here to help electric cooperatives and utilities with state-of-the-art digital inspection solutions. Using advanced data insights to guide proactive strategies, electric cooperatives and utilities can strengthen their infrastructure, ensuring that they can handle any summer weather surprises.

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