Hurricanes and Utilities: Strengthening Power Grid Resilience Against Hurricanes

Marissa Bonanno

Marissa Bonanno

Innovation Lead, Constellation Clearsight

Marissa Bonanno is a highly accomplished energy professional with over 8 years of experience in the field. As an Innovation Lead for Constellation Clearsight, Marissa is responsible for driving innovation initiatives for utilities.

In this article:

  • Learn about the challenges hurricanes pose to the electric grid.
  • Explore Clearsight’s advanced digital inspection solutions that improve grid resilience.
  • Gain insights into the shift from reactive to proactive strategies in grid management to better prepare for extreme weather events.

Electric cooperatives and utilities are central to powering our modern lives. In the ever-evolving landscape of the energy sector, electric cooperatives and utilities are confronted with an array of challenges. Among these are extreme weather events such as hurricanes. Hurricanes pose significant threats to the integrity of our electric grid systems.

Technological advancements and improved infrastructure have fortified our defenses against these devastating forces, but there’s room for further growth. The more proactive we are, the better we can shield and improve our grid’s resilience.

Assessing the Hurricane Risk to Electric Grids

Hurricanes pose a major threat to our power grid infrastructure, with their powerful combination of winds, torrential rain, and flooding. The impact is not only from direct hits, but also from the hazardous debris hurled around by these events.  The repercussions are widespread and serious: collapsing towers, broken poles, blown transformers, and severed lines.

Traditional inspection and maintenance strategies often fall short. Routine visual inspections alone may overlook deeper structural problems, hidden corrosion, or aging equipment. These unnoticed issues turn into critical vulnerabilities when a hurricane strikes, resulting in extensive grid damage, prolonged power outages, and soaring repair costs.

Stormy Hurricane Weather Affecting Power Lines and Utility Poles

Digital Inspection Solutions and Grid Resilience

Clearsight’s advanced, digital inspection solutions utilize cutting-edge technology, including drones and LiDAR, an artificial intelligence (AI) supported platform, and in-depth industry expertise. This potent combination transcends the capabilities of traditional methods, detecting issues that may be missed by traditional methods and identifying potential failure points well in advance.

Electric cooperatives and utilities utilizing Clearsight’s extensive offerings gain an in-depth understanding of their assets’ health and an opportunity to proactively rectify weaknesses. This improved inspection capability not only aids in predictive maintenance strategies and data-driven decision-making, but also helps to prioritize infrastructure investments to better prepare for extreme weather events.

The Power of Proactivity

By leveraging Clearsight’s advanced utility inspection solutions, electric cooperatives and utilities can make the critical transition from reactive to proactive, making grid resilience a reality. Regular comprehensive digital inspections can reveal aging equipment, structural issues, and other weak points in the grid that could be severely impacted during a hurricane.

The identification of these vulnerabilities helps electric cooperatives and utilities take preemptive action. Whether it’s replacing an aging transformer, reinforcing a tower structure, or identifying key areas for maintenance, strategic enhancements fortify the grid, which can reduce the risk of catastrophic failure during extreme weather events.

The Bottom Line

Grid hardening against hurricanes calls for a proactive approach. Advanced utility inspection solutions, like those provided by Clearsight, are a crucial part of this process. By identifying vulnerabilities and aiding in targeted preemptive measures, these solutions play an instrumental role in fostering a resilient electric grid capable of weathering the storm.

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